Lately, the term work-life balance has been popular among all industries. It is critical not only for the personal lives of employees but also for the productivity that can be achieved in workplaces.  A few weeks ago, we posted a poll on this topic on our LinkedIn page. We asked our followers what factors they consider the most vital ones considering achieving work-life balance.

 The majority of voters, 58% exactly, believe that in order to achieve a better work-life balance it is important to have the option to work remotely. It is reasonable to assume that working remotely brings many advantages that allow employees to have a healthy balance between work and personal life. They waste less time commuting and are able to work in the environment that suits them whether it is at home, at a cafe or at a beach. Many workers that have the opportunity to do their jobs remotely decide to go to another country and work while they are in holiday mode. It also allows people to see their families more often and travels to places they wish to see.

 28% of voters consider flexible working hours as the best option. They are able to choose what time they are the most productive and therefore, they are more in control of their timetable. The ability to be able to set up their calendar according to their own time schedule helps them be more motivated to work as well. In addition, they can schedule work together with their hobbies, social life and other personal events.

11% state that having a well-designed job also brings benefits to the work-life balance. The rest, 3%, commented on their suggestions such as all of the above.