<![CDATA[News]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/ Thu, 13 Mar 2025 02:52:30 +0000 Zend_Feed http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss <![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - Radek]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_12/ Recently, I received an offer from Lukáš for a position at Deloitte. I thought my experience was not enough for me to apply for the role. However, Lukáš encouraged me at least try the interview.
Now, I'm extremely glad that he worked it all the way up to the interview with me because without pushing me I would have lost the opportunity and still stayed in the job that no longer helped me grow.
With his support, I then immediately received a job offer after the interview and I accepted it.

- Radek Padrta, Analyst intelligent automation

Thu, 16 Feb 2023 11:05:40 +0000
<![CDATA[How to Make a Part-Time Career as a Translator]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/parttime_translator/ Connecting with people from various cultures is a great way to expand your worldview. Because different cultures speak various languages, however, the language barrier can prevent you from interacting with other people. Translators are invaluable tools when it comes to connecting with people who speak different languages. If you are bilingual or multilingual and you’re looking to add a side hustle to your IT career, you have an opportunity to build a lucrative and rewarding part-time career as a translator. These four steps can help you get started.

Know Which Translating Jobs Are Available
There are many types of translating jobs, and you need to determine your niche before you can start looking for jobs. Certain translating jobs require you to have specific knowledge. For example, if you want to work in the IT field, you must know industry terms and trends, as well as be able to communicate this info to others.

You can also work as:

Community interpreters
Legal translators
Conference interpreters
Literary translators

Find Work
Experience is important if you want to work as a translator. It isn't enough to have basic knowledge of a second language; you must be fluent in at least two languages if you want to work as an interpreter. Enrolling in classes is a good way to hone your language skills. Start building a portfolio showcasing your translating credentials. 

Once you have a portfolio to show to prospective clients, you can start looking for jobs in your specific field. It's often easier to get started in the industry by working for a translation company. Once you have a few years of experience, you can start working as a freelance interpreter.

Market Your Services
Working as a freelance translator is no different than running any other type of business. People cannot pay for your services if they do not know what you have to offer. Having a good marketing plan in place is essential for building a successful company, but you don't have to have a huge budget to advertise your services successfully. Word-of-mouth marketing is a great tool for many translators because people who have used your services in the past and been pleased will share their experiences with their friends and family members. There is no cost for this advertising tool.

You can also harness the power of social media and create a cost-efficient marketing campaign that lists important information about your business. According to one survey, 93% of businesses use social media marketing to engage with customers. This strategy can reach a broad audience with minimal effort, so it is a preferred marketing tactic when it comes to interpreters.

As a rule of thumb, you want to be able to provide value on social media to be seen as an authority in your niche, as well as to show your customers that you’re there for them. Your Facebook business page, for instance, can be a hub of valuable resources that your clients can go to and know that they’re supported. Upload assets like vocabulary infographics, practice articles, and even PDF files that they can access. Exploring ways to upload a PDF might be a little tricky, though, so find out how you can do it.

Build Your Business
Running a translating business is similar to operating any other type of company. You must keep track of your clients and their specific needs. Practising exceptional customer service is the best way to grow your base of loyal customers. You also need to spend time advertising your services and tailoring your campaigns to meet the needs of your target audience. Administrative tasks are essential for keeping your business operating smoothly.

If you don't have a lot of free time to keep up with administrative tasks, consider hiring an assistant to do the work for you or invest in a software program that will streamline the process. There are online tools readily available and often free that can help you with a plethora of tasks, such as accounting, marketing, file management, and more.

If you are fluent in multiple languages, you have an opportunity to turn your skill set into a lucrative part-time career. Using these steps allows you to build a successful career as a translator.

Is your business seeking specialists with rare skill sets? Visit SpecialistsGrid today!

We thank Vivek Mukherjee for this article and partnership.

Thu, 09 Feb 2023 13:45:04 +0000
<![CDATA[Positive changes from COVID-19]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/covid19benefits/ COVID - 19 is a significantly unfortunate event that has negatively impacted the whole world. However, it has also brought changes that positively influence our current lives. We asked our LinkedIn followers what changes they consider fundamental benefits. To a surprise, almost all voters chose the same thing.

Up to 89% of voters believe that the introduction of mainstream remote working has been the most positive thing. It is understandable that many employees are satisfied with such a change. It allows employees to be more in control of their daily schedules and to save time and money from commuting.

11% of our followers consider innovations to stay connected as a great addition. It is reasonable to assume so since these tools give us more choices to connect with people online and share a workplace in digital offices.

Nevertheless, none of the voters chose new tools and software or stated other advantages in the comments. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that after the pandemic most people benefit most from mainstream remote working.

Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:40:15 +0000
<![CDATA[Work-life balance]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/worklife/ Lately, the term work-life balance has been popular among all industries. It is critical not only for the personal lives of employees but also for the productivity that can be achieved in workplaces.  A few weeks ago, we posted a poll on this topic on our LinkedIn page. We asked our followers what factors they consider the most vital ones considering achieving work-life balance.

 The majority of voters, 58% exactly, believe that in order to achieve a better work-life balance it is important to have the option to work remotely. It is reasonable to assume that working remotely brings many advantages that allow employees to have a healthy balance between work and personal life. They waste less time commuting and are able to work in the environment that suits them whether it is at home, at a cafe or at a beach. Many workers that have the opportunity to do their jobs remotely decide to go to another country and work while they are in holiday mode. It also allows people to see their families more often and travels to places they wish to see.

 28% of voters consider flexible working hours as the best option. They are able to choose what time they are the most productive and therefore, they are more in control of their timetable. The ability to be able to set up their calendar according to their own time schedule helps them be more motivated to work as well. In addition, they can schedule work together with their hobbies, social life and other personal events.

11% state that having a well-designed job also brings benefits to the work-life balance. The rest, 3%, commented on their suggestions such as all of the above.

Tue, 10 Jan 2023 23:22:54 +0000
<![CDATA[Motivators besides money]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/motivators/ There are many other motivators that positively influence employees and managers. A few weeks ago, we asked our followers on LinkedIn to let us know their thoughts.

Most people, 64% of voters, believe that the possibility to work remotely is the best motivator besides money. It is reasonable to assume that working remotely is the most beneficial option. Not only can an employee work from any place they feel comfortable at but they also do not have to spend time or money on transport.

20% of participants consider a great package of benefits the most advantageous option besides salary, whereas, 11% of voters assume that learning from co-workers is the most significant motivator. Both of these choices can change one’s perspective of the job. The rest, 5 %, chose other options.

From the poll, we can understand that most people appreciate the possibility of working remotely. It is considered to be a fundamental factor and we are glad that SpecialistsGrid can provide this to its employees.

Fri, 16 Dec 2022 09:46:52 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - Branislav]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_11/ One of our candidates, Branislav, gave us a review of his partnership with us.

"Lukas contacted me on LinkedIn right at the time when I was looking for a new role. He answered my questions regarding the posted job and was very responsive. Despite a little longer process people from SG did a very good job keeping me updated, and I was well-informed about each step of the process. At the end of the hiring process, I received and accepted the job offer. Communication with SG was very pleasant and efficient."

- Branislav, Czech Republic, Data Analytics consultant, Consulting company

 We are very grateful that Branislav was happy with our partnership and we wish him a lot of luck in the future.

Fri, 09 Dec 2022 08:37:30 +0000
<![CDATA[Commuting to work]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/commuting/ Often, the commute duration plays part in the decision-making regarding new jobs. Thus, a few weeks ago we posted a poll on LinkedIn to see how long our followers are willing to commute to work. We got 70 votes and the results were quite clear.

Most people, 45% of voters, are believed to be accepting of commuting between 30 minutes and one hour. It is not a surprising result since living in a big city usually takes around 30 minutes to one hour to move from one place to another by car or by public transport.

29% of our followers are willing to commute only under 30 minutes. It is reasonable as the least amount of commuting means more time to sleep or spend time productively. It is evident that so many people want to minimise their commuting time in their daily lives. Therefore, it is not surprising that 22% of voters consider working completely remotely as the best option. They do not have to spend money or energy commuting to work every day. The rest, only 4%, thinks it is okay to commute more than one hour every day to work.

All things considered, it is reasonable that commuting to work under one hour is the best option while others still hope that remote work will be more acceptable in the future.

Fri, 02 Dec 2022 12:58:10 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - Giulia]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_10/ One of our candidates, Giulia, wanted to share some of her experience working with us. We relocated Giulia from Italy to the Czech Republic and helped her with everything that entails, including finding housing. Then also with freelance registration or a request for security clearance, which will be needed for her work.

These are her thoughts:

‘It was already a couple of months when I started thinking about moving abroad to another city. The right opportunity arrived when I e-met Denisa. Unlike other HRs, she was friendly and welcoming from the beginning, despite the long distance between us, and has facilitated the entire recruitment process with great professionalism while always being present and helping me out. Her professional, communication, social, emotional and listening skills make her an amazing HR and a friend, allowing her to find the right person for the right position! Even being bonded from a professional experience, we have developed a friendship, and she has been my first new friend here in Prague and a great source of inspiration! Thank you, Denisa, for your patience, availability and everything you have done so far.’

Thank you, Giulia for letting us be a part of your journey and we wish you a lot of luck in the future.

Fri, 25 Nov 2022 17:42:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Salaries in job descriptions]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/salaries_in_JD/ Recently, we asked our followers on LinkedIn whether they believe that salaries should be put in job descriptions. 54 of our followers participated in the poll and a majority of them chose the same answer.

94% of voters strongly agree that salaries should be put in job descriptions. For any relationship, communication and transparency are key roles for successful teamwork. Therefore, there is a moral importance for managers to put salaries in job descriptions. A candidate gets a better view of a firm they are applying to while also feeling emotionally closer to the company. It is also fair for an employee to know the worth of the hours they will be putting in the work. If the hiring process is complicated, it is better for the employee to know what they are signing up for.

On the other hand, putting salaries in job descriptions may raise a higher possibility of unqualified candidates applying for the jobs. This can overwhelm HR managers since they will be more drowned in a pool of various candidates. However, only 6% of our voters consider putting salaries in job descriptions as not an important matter.

Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that nowadays, it is vital for employers to not disclose salaries and be open about it from the beginning.

Tue, 15 Nov 2022 17:50:12 +0000
<![CDATA[Wellness of employees]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/wellness_of_employees/ Many employers choose to participate their employees in various programs or projects that help them with their overall wellness. A few weeks ago we asked our followers on LinkedIn about the importance of such action. 86 voters participated in the poll and the results came out unsurprisingly conclusively.

Up to 80% of our followers believe that it is highly vital for employers to participate in helping employees achieve better wellness. It is without a doubt that both mental and physical health can affect employees' productivity at work. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that even small investments in various wellness projects or programs from employers can result in greater employee motivation. For instance, creating a small gym in an office where employees can take a break from work or signing workers to workshops concerning work-life balance can eventually immensely help the company in the longer run.

However, 17% of voters do not find this topic necessary and 2% have not thought about this. It is highly possible that some people want to strictly diversify their personal and work lives which is understandable. Nevertheless, it is always nice to at least have options and be reached out to.

Mon, 14 Nov 2022 13:46:13 +0000
<![CDATA[Recruitment agency benefits - client's perspective]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/agency_benefits_client/ There are many advantages to letting a recruitment agency do the hiring for the company. We are bringing top benefits you as a client could receive from working with us.

1) Expertise

Often recruitment agencies have more detailed knowledge of the labour market. They are more exposed to the world of HR trends and various candidates. Since one of our main focuses is on creating connections, our networking is also significantly rich.

2) Recruitment process management

Recruitment agencies also have organised management of the recruitment process. They take care of the whole process whether it is an interview or some professional paperwork. Our company always tries to be there for the client from the beginning and even after the end.

3) Feedbacks

For any relationship to work, communication and feedback are essential. We are here to make sure that you as a client will receive all honest feedback on candidates.

4) Support

SpecialistsGrid also provide permanent support during offers, counteroffers and negotiation with a candidate.

5) Aftercare

We are there for the client not only during the trial period to manage all risks but also afterwards to make sure that everything runs smoothly between the candidates.

6) Saving time

Recruitment companies already have fundamental connections with candidates worldwide. Therefore, they have greater access to talent that could fit the job description of the firm. It is faster and easier for recruitment agencies to find those that are motivated, experienced and willing to learn fast. This fact allows companies to save a lot of time.

7) Business support

During the whole cooperation, clients will also receive internal and external business support. Because recruitment agencies take care of the HR department, managers will also have more time and capacity to focus on the core of the business and strengthen other parts of the company.

8) Speed

Because agencies are already exposed to the whole world of candidates, it does not take a lot of time for a recruitment agency like us to find the right employees.


Fri, 04 Nov 2022 19:40:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Social issues]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/social_issues/ Nowadays, for many employees, it is essential to work with companies that vocally speak up about social issues and show customers their political points of view. However, some people do not find it too significantly necessary. Therefore, we asked our followers on LinkedIn to let us know their thoughts and opinions on the topic. Surprisingly, the results came out in quite a close call.

Up to 49% of voters believe that it is vital to have employers who share their points of view on presenting social issues. There are many social issues in the world such as social inequality, unsustainable development, discrimination and poverty etc. Firms usually have a significant impact on these problems. Not only can they contribute to the problem more but they can also raise more awareness on such topics. They do not necessarily have to take the responsibility of solving the challenges, however, talking about the topic ought to be the bare minimum. Choosing a reactive strategy to such issues can harm the company and its citizens. If a business decided to take a proactive strategy, it can attract more customers. On the other hand, they can risk a lot in the political aspect.

Nevertheless, up to 40% of employees state that it is not fundamentally important if their employers are neutral on those issues. Then the rest, 11% of followers, have not thought about this topic. There is an understanding of why some firms choose to stay neutral. Often talking about an issue can result in poor economic results for the firm or even threats from external sources. That could potentially hurt employees as well.

In conclusion, the LinkedIn pool told us that many people are nowadays more inclined to firms that speak up about current issues but at the same time, it does not necessarily need to be a significant factor.

Thu, 27 Oct 2022 17:55:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Mental health resources]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/mental_health_resources/ Lately, there have been many discussions about the vitality of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace. With the COVID pandemic and the rise of the importance of work-life balance, many employers started paying more attention to the mental well-being of their employees. More companies now invest in providing resources to employees to prioritize their mental wellness to maximize their efficiency in the workplace.

Employees are also happier about such change. That can be proven from the data that we subtracted from a research poll we did on our LinkedIn profile. 89 people participated in voting and up to 78% of them believe that it really is essential for employers to give workers mental health resources. 13% have not considered this topic yet and the rest, 9%, do not find this specific concern vital.

We are glad that 78% truly feel like their mental health should be given attention by their superior workers. We hope the rest will start considering this topic more as their mental wellness is vital for both personal and professional life.

Thu, 20 Oct 2022 11:39:17 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - Murathan]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_9/ We contacted Murathan, because we needed Cloud data engineer for our client. He passed the interview with positive feedback, but in the end of the day, another candidate was selected by our client. Yet... Murathan, got an opportunity to join an Academy program, if he will pass it with good result he has a chance to get a job opportunity. 

I want to thank you. Through the process, you stayed in touch with me for months and you made me feel less alone. Even though our last conversation was in June, you still asked me about my current status. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to meet you. I am still continuing with the cloud data engineering path.:)”

We are glad that candidates feel safe with our employees and we wish nothing but the best for Murathan.

Thu, 13 Oct 2022 11:30:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied customer ]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/customer_1/ SpecialistsGrid is providing wide range of services. One of them is also RPO - Recruitment Process Outsourcing. This service is very popular it is a process when company transfers all or part of its permanent recruitment to an external provider - in our case SpecialistsGrid. Our employees (experienced recruiters) are sitting on site with the client providing a holistic hiring solution.

RPO is currently used by several teams in a BIG 4 consulting company. It is a very effective recruitment method and at the same time it saves companies costs by at least 30%.

,,Working with SpecialistsGrid has dramatically streamlined the recruitment process. They think outside the box, work quickly, and consistently find great candidates with rare skills."

-Partner, AI & Data Lead for CE, Consulting company

Fri, 07 Oct 2022 06:12:25 +0000
<![CDATA[Diverse Workplace]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/workplace/ Lately, there have been many discussions about the significance of having a diverse community in professional workplaces. Hence, we opened a pool on this topic for our LinkedIn followers so they could share their thoughts on it.

The result of the pool was diverse itself. 11% of voters have not thought about this topic, whereas, up to 32% of them believe the workplace environment ought to be diverse. However, the majority of our followers, 57%, do not find that factor too important.

Nowadays, many people choose workplaces based on its diversity of people. Young workers prefer to engage in projects with people from all around the world so more innovative ideas come through. Learning about other cultures help employees with keeping their minds open and being creative which is fundamental when a company needs solutions or alternatives to business problems. Having employees from various backgrounds can also create a friendly environment which would eventually result in great team projects.

Nevertheless, the most significant factor is just being open minded and welcoming towards new ideas and cultures. If a workplace constantly promotes support towards new ideas and projects, employees will learn how to be global and search for solutions in many parts of the world.

Mon, 03 Oct 2022 07:20:20 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - Jiří]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_8/ When we approached Jiří in February 2022, he wasn’t actively looking for a job, but our offer was so interesting to him that he met with the hiring manager. He thought about the pros and cons, and after a month he accepted the official offer.

,,I was approached by Denisa from SpecialistGrid on LinkedIn. I wasn’t searching for a new job at that time. However, I still attended an interview out of curiosity and shortly after, I realized, that this particular job offer would complement and extend the previous one, so we carried on with the hiring process. I was more than satisfied with the process. What was agreed on was fulfilled. Denisa was kind and communicative, replied to all of my questions and walked me through the hiring. She is also interested in ,,calibration“ between me and the company after contract was signed. So to sum it up, I was really satisfied and would definitely recommend."

We are really happy that Jiří took a leap and now he is doing well at his new job.

Thu, 22 Sep 2022 12:35:13 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - Siyamend]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_7/ Siyamend approached us on LinkedIn in October 2021, saying that he was looking for a job. After some time of communication, we managed to arrange an interview with our client. After the 2nd round, they offered him a position in Latvia and Siyamend immediately decided to relocate there from Turkey. Although the process took more than half a year, but now he is working there.

,,When I was think about to start a new path in my career, We contacted with SpecialistsGrid and I started my process with them. After applying job everything passed very easy and comfortable because they managed everything and they are always gave me update about process. Evenif I started job still we keep contact and I am really happy to work with SpecialistsGrid."

We are really happy to hear that he is doing well and wish him nothing but the best in the future.

Fri, 16 Sep 2022 17:18:18 +0000
<![CDATA[Communication and feedback]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/communication/ Both in professional and personal life, people often avoid open communication and honest feedback due to the fear of being judged and criticized. Some time ago, we asked our LinkedIn followers whether they consider open communication and feedback vital. The results showed us how united people are on this topic.

9% of our followers do not find it crucial, however up to 91% out of 129 voters believe that honest communication and feedback are important. It may be harsh sometimes, because everyone tries their best in their workplace. It may be disappointing to understand that there are some things that we still need to work on. However, knowing our shortcomings will only lead us to better versions of ourselves.

We are glad that most of our followers welcome honest feedback and communication.

Fri, 09 Sep 2022 06:12:38 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - Bharani]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_6/ We already started communicating with Bharani in November 2021. He successfully passed the selection process for the position of Cloud Data Engineer. Since he is from India, the process of getting a visa and relocating him to Europe took about half a year. He finally started in August 2022.

This is what he has to say about the experience:

,,On 14th November'21 very first time I asked SG for a referral to my current job. Almost 8 months later after going through tons of processing and waiting. Finally, I'm going to Europe. I want to thank SG with my full heart."

We are happy that everything went well and we are excited for Bharani and his new beginning!

Fri, 02 Sep 2022 11:20:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Value at work]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/valueatwork/ Appreciation in employees can be shown in many ways such as salary, positive feedback, and communication. Showing appreciation in all of those ways also results in helping employees feel more valued at work.

When we asked our followers on LinkedIn whether they feel valued at work, a majority of them, 40% of voters, state that they do feel valued in their work. Up to 27% of participants do not feel valued but wish to be. A similar percentage, 26%, consider being valued only rarely. Then the rest, 7%, do not find it necessary to be valued at work.

Understandably some people do not connect work with the emotional side of themselves such as feeling valued. However, from the survey, it is noticeable that more than 50% of workers do not feel valued enough or at all.

Employees that feel valued at their work often create a stronger emotional connection towards their job which then leads to better productivity. That could also build a happier environment at work. There are small ways that employers can show appreciation too such as saying thank you, asking about the well-being of employees, and showing care for their health.

From the survey, is it without a doubt reasonable to assume that encouraging employers to show value to employees can only result in a better working environment for both sides. It’s all about the small steps.

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 23:08:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Home vs. Office]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/home_office/ In one of our recent LinkedIn posts, we asked you whether you prefer working from home or from the office. There were 632 votes and the results ended up quite tight.

Up to 38% of respondents voted for a constant home office. That fact is not quite surprising. Staying at home brings many advantages such as not having to commute, working on our own terms and also the possibility to stay in pajamas all day. In addition, 16% of voters selected working remote as most suitable. That is as fundamental as working at home. It allows employees to have their own schedule and be flexible.

However, only 3% wish to work only from the office, even though that choice brings many benefits such as social interaction, having work place and home separated for better focus and productivity.

Nevertheless, the majority, 43%, agreed that hybrid work model is the best choice. Hybrid work is a flexible approach for employees to combine working from home and office. It is actually not surprising that so many people consider this as the most valuable choice. It allows employees to work when they feel most productive but also to have a chance to work in the office during team projects. Employees are then able to have a better work-life balance which also makes them more motivated to work.

All things considered, after the pandemic, there are more possibilities to have a work-life balance. Workplaces can now rely more on the internet and hybrid work model allows employees to work according to their own schedule. Furthermore, employers can broaden their search horizon and choose talented people from all around the world who can bring new ideas.

Fri, 19 Aug 2022 07:44:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - Michal]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_5/ You can easily become a member of the Virtual Pool, just as Michael, our first "SG short-listed specialist" and member of Virtual Pool, did. Michael is an IT Security Specialist, Ethical Hacker and Penetration Tester.

Michael decided that he would like to evaluate his free time left after his working hours, that he would like to gain new experience, contacts and at the same time earn extra money. So he created a portfolio on the SG portal and filled out an application form, thanks to which we got an overview of his requirements for the opportunities that Virtual Pool should bring him. He thus took the basic step to apply for the position of member of the Virtual Pool.

Michael and we called to clarify each other's expectations and improve his SG portfolio. Even though Michael had a job, he met all the requirements for a freelancer, and the only thing left was to solve the necessary formalities.

Thanks to them, our clients - companies got to Michael's portfolio, and the very first of them decided to approve Michael's profile. Client invited him for an introductory interview and training in work processes. Michael thus became a "pre-approved specialist" and official member of Virtual Pool, where he "waits" for client projects. And he didn't have to wait long. Now - two weeks after gaining membership - he starts working on the first remote project as a penetration tester.

Be a "SG short-listed specialist/member" of the exceptional Virtual Pool product like Michael and secure your job opportunities/projects even in these uncertain times! Read HERE how you can become a Virtual Pool member and "SG short-listed specialist".

We, our SpecialistsGrid team, will accompany you on this journey! :-) 

Thu, 18 Aug 2022 08:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Virtual Pool]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/Virtual_pool/ SpecialistsGrid is offering you a new service called Virtual Pool for companies/teams and individual contractors. 

Are you prepared any time to get involved in new customer projects? If you are an experienced specialist or company/team with specialists experienced in various IT fields seeking new projects then this is the right option for you!

Virtual Pool is an important SpecialistsGrid service. It is built on a community of specialists or companies, who are prepared any time to get involved in new customer projects. Our mission is to provide flexible procurement services and onboard available specialists as quickly as possible.

Virtual Pool is suitable for:

  • Individual contractor - freelancers seeking new project or also employees who want to invest their free time on part-time projects as a feelancers

  • Company/team 

How do I become a Virtual Pool member? 

  • Sign up on SpecialistsGrid

  • Create your personal or company profile


  • Fill in an Application form - HERE

You can also become "SG short-listed specialist", if you are interested, please, continue. 

Shorten your onboarding process and become a "short-listed SG specialist“ for our clients who offer great opportunities! The magic lies in the fact that once you get through the onboarding projecss the client then comes directly to you with his inquiries!

Real story of "SG short-listed specialist" - Michal

Who is the "SG short-listed specialist"?

  • Profile is approved by our client (individual contractor and/or company/team)

How do I become "SG short-listed specialist"?

  • Sign up on SpecialistsGrid

  • Create your personal or company profile

  • Fill in an Application form - HERE

  • Sign an NDA

  • Make an interview with our client

  • Wait for your profile‘s approval

  • Accept inquiry and start providing your services

What is the difference?

  • As a SG Virtual Pool member you receive project offers among the first and you know that with each project you will already be a "short-listed specialist" of the particular client. This will shorten the whole process that you go through only once.
  • You are already boarded and are receiving contracts that you would‘nt otherwise receive. 
Why should I become "SG short-listed specialist"?
  • You have a particular SG contact person to connect with while looking for a project.
  • Someone counts on and offers you a project among the first.
  • Define yourself what kind of projects you are seeking and and what offers are interesting for you.
  • You will already have signed NDAs, so starting a project will be very quick.
  • Based on my specialty you'll be approached directly by the companies on their own via internal SG chat.

Who are companies that can reach out to me?

Our clients are companies that demanding various and high-end skilled team members in their teams. You meet international and national companies, smaller but also corporate technology companies, and companies in consulting areas.

Thu, 18 Aug 2022 08:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - István]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_4/ The process with István was really fast. We contacted him in February 2022. After few messages we had a call where we agreed that offered position is the right one. We presented him to the client who was interested to have an interview with him. 

After 1st interview István got an offer which he accepted. 

,,They got contacted with me on the Linkedin. At that time I had several offers from different companies but somehow they offered a job which only could partially cover my experience. After a friendly conversation with Specialistsgrid professionals I got a job where not just only I can use my years of experience but It will cover my expectations regarding my future plans (cloud technology). Still we keep contact, we have good term and compare to other third party services still I have the best impression." 

This is a proof that our consultants are real professionals <3

Mon, 08 Aug 2022 02:30:29 +0000
<![CDATA[Apply or NOT]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/applyornot/ Applying for a position, even when you are not meeting all requirements?

We asked our followers on LinkedIn, whether they apply for job positions even when they do not meet all the requirements. Surprisingly, most of them chose the same answer.

There were around 300 respondents, and almost 80%, specifically 76%, voted yes. The rest, 24%, do not apply for positions without meeting all of the requirements.

It is understandable that job seekers should not apply for jobs that are strange to them. They should always meet at least half of the requirements. Otherwise the hiring process will be difficult for both the company and the candidate.

However, the survey illustrates that many people apply to jobs without meeting all the requirements. Requirements are put in job description in order to help people understand the details of a job and what skills is the company looking for. Although there is a vitality to apply to jobs to meet your skills, it is also important to have determinity and will to learn. In addition, employers do not always look for a 100% match but rather somebody that can offer something different.

In conclusion, even if you meet only half of the job requirements but are passionate about the job, and determined to learn new skills, do not hesitate to try it out. At the end, you always learn something new.

We wish you good luck! :)


Wed, 20 Jul 2022 14:18:53 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - Jiří]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_3/ We contacted Jiří in February 2022 at the moment he was thinking of changing his current employer. Then we quickly arranged an online meeting with his potential team leader and coach and they all discussed it in a few days.

After that, we agreed with J. about quitting his current job till the end of February, and about starting in two months as a Data scientist in the new job. And so it happened, very quickly without any issues.

"I very much appreciated the overall process, it was smooth and I get all the necessary info very quickly.
Communication was professional and it all lead to a happy end, finding a new, desired position."

Tue, 05 Jul 2022 05:44:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Bodyshopping/Contracting]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/bodyshopping_contracting/ Contractors in the IT field not only have a lot of job offers (full time/permanent employment), but also many project oriented opportunities (freelance contracts). These can be short-term as well as long-term projects, which are provided by the contractors themselves or in cooperation with a personnel agency.

Bodyshopping is a very popular service used by companies/clients at personal agencies. It is about searching for experts for specific projects, which have a clearly defined range of services and time. This type of cooperation saves companies not only personnel, but also other costs.

If you are not a contractor yet and you are considering became one, read the article - How to become a freelancer/contractor (coming soon) as well. 

Advantages of cooperation with a personnel agency (from the viewpoint of the companies/clients):

  • We will find required specialist for you
  • We have our own pool of available contractors
  • We will guide you through the whole process and take care of everything (including contracts, timesheets, invoices ...)
  • We are your business partner and always looking for a win-win solution
  • In some cases, we can negotiate better MD rates with contractors

Advantages of cooperation with a personnel agency (from the viewpoint of the contractor):

  • We will contact you with a specific project and inform you about its details before the interview
  • We will guide you through the whole process and take care of everything (including contracts, timesheets, invoices ...)
  • We are your business partner and always looking for a win-win solution
  • In some cases, we can negotiate better prices with companies/clients
  • We are happy for long-term cooperation, we have a lot of clients = several projects we can offer to you

How does the cooperation company - personnel agency (PA) - contractor work?

  • PA receives the project assignment, start addresses the contractors from their database, in other case they contact new specialists.
  • PA tells the contractor obscured information about the project (when signing the NDA, the information are specific).
  • PA presents the contractor to the project/hiring manager together with information about the MD rate, availability, start date ...
  • If the company is interested in the contractor, the PA signs NDA with contractor - Non-disclosure agreement (if it has not already been signed).
  • The PA arranges an interview, someone from PA is also attended (if necessary there is also preparation for the interview and provided additional information to the contractor).
  • After the interview, the PA provides feedback from both parties.
  • Depending on the selection procedure, there may also be a case study or 2nd round with the company/end client of the project after the 1st interview.
  • If company/client will hire contractor for a project, the contractor signs a subcontracting agreement/cooperation agreement with PA.
  • If company/client will hire contractor for a project, they will sign SOW with PA.
  • The company/client may provide a laptop and other necessary tools for the performance of the work of the contractor, who is also assigned responsible manager of the company/project.
  • Each month (at the end, the 30th/31st) the contractor sends a timesheet (attendance) for approval to the assigned responsible manager of the company/project in a copy with the PA, as soon as the manager approves the timesheet the contactor is obliged to issue an invoice towards the PA.
  • PA prepares an invoice for the company/client, where it takes into account the contractor's MD rate + its business margin. 

In some cases, it is also possible, that contract will be sined between client and contractor directly. So whole process will be little bit different. 

Does it look complicated? Believe that it is not and in fact it is a very simple and smooth process :)

We hope you find this article useful.

We are looking forward to collaborate with you!




Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:13:29 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - Arul]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_2/ Arul registered on our portal in 2015 as an Individual Vendor, who is offering his professional services. It took around 5 years, but in 2021 we received inquiry from our client and based on their requirements we searched for appropriate candidates. Trough SpecialistsGrid we found Arul, who was available and open to new opportunities. 

He was interested in freelancing and he had to go trough 2 interviews and also one assesment, but eventually he got a job offer and he accepted it. Our client even offered him permanent job instead of freelance contract. Both parties are more than happy and statisfied. 

"I am associated with SpecialistGrid since 2015. Recently, SpecialistGrid has helped me to secure a lucrative job offer in my field. The best part of the deal is, there is no need for me to haggle.  I will look forward to use their services in future too."

Mon, 06 Jun 2022 05:44:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Testing during recruitment process]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/testing/ We asked our followers on Linkedin, if they are okay with testing during recruitment process and we were very surprised by the result, because it was really close! 

For 47% respondents it is okay on the other hand, 44% said that it bothers them and 9% of respodents was neutral. 

Popularity of group assessment centers is gone, but we still encounter with testing during interviews across all specializations and we were curious, how candiates perceive it. It is not just about, for example, Python test or many types of case studies, but also about the interview conversation itself. 

Most of our clients testing candidates during 1st round of interview or after. There is many ways how to do it. They need to know how deep technical skills do you have and if you are suitable and senior enough for the position. Tests are, of course, adapted to the position.

We know. that if you are part of more recruitment proceses (and each of the company will give you some test) it could be really annoying. But hey, take it positively you can practice, try new procedures, solve problems. Unfortunatelly, we can´t tell you, that, if you will pass, you will get a job. Tests usually don't decide it, it is just one piece of puzzle - there is much more factors.

So, if you are new candidate on labour market, especially in IT field, don´t be surprised by testing - it is normal. 

We wish you good luck!

Sat, 30 Apr 2022 20:13:20 +0000
<![CDATA[Satisfied candidate - Jonay]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/candidate_1/ We contacted Jonay via Linkedin on December 2021 before Christmas time. In January he had his first client interview and since the client was really satisfied with Jonay he got an offer. But this wasn´t the only offer he got, there was one more from another company, so obviously, Jonay had to choose one.

He putted +/- together and he was really close to accept offer from another company, because there was missunderstanding in name of the position versus job description on our client side and also little bit lower salary. Thanks to the open communication between our Recruiter and Jonay we were able to react.

In the end of the day Jonay accepted our client offer and he is doing exactly, what he wanted to do in his job. Also they increased proposed salary. 

He started in February and we were in touch also during his trial period. Since both parties are satisfied, Jonay is staying there and we believe he will gain a lot of new experiences for his career growth. 

"I'm happy to collaborate with SpecialistsGrid, from the beginning finding the right company for me until the end of the process with the agreement and the communication with the company, great service, I'm completely satisfied."

Tue, 26 Apr 2022 05:44:00 +0000
<![CDATA[NDA process]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/nda_process/ We created detailed description how to sign NDA with us.

NDAs are common in the business world — you will be likely asked to sign one because as the individual, company, or entity you will recive a sensitive information from us to protect, and you’ll be in a position to learn about and leak that information. In all likelihood, you’ll have to sign the NDA in order to move to the next steps of your individual situation.

How to do it?
  1. Register/Sign up on www.SpecialistsGrid.com
  2. On Dashboard click on "Sign NDA" button
  3. Download file - SpecialistsGrid_NDA.pdf
  4. Edit .pdf online or print the document
  5. Fill in heading "Partner" on first page - your name, date of birth and your adress
  6. On last page fill in printed name, title and sign (electronically or normally)
  7. Send signed NDA back to us on email: [email protected]
  8. We will sign it from our side and it will be done

We believe that this will be helpful for you and we are looking forward on our cooperation :) 

Team of SpecialistsGrid

Mon, 25 Apr 2022 10:27:36 +0000
<![CDATA[Life Long Care service]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/Life_long_care/ Life Long Care is our premium service of long-term cooperation and partnership with those who are members of the Bridge Academy and SpecialistsGrid community. Our cooperation is based on consulting your professional needs, seeking new job opportunities (short-term or long-term) and support of your personal development.

Life-long Care will support the long-term career development of IT specialists (from student to specialist) who cooperate with us, becoming their long-term career advisor. 

What do we offer?

• Counselling and search for internships, new job opportunities (part-time or full-time) and so on.
• Market analysis and labor market trends.
• Courses/training offerings. 
• Legal and financial advice.
• And much more.  

What do we need from you?

• Your SpecialistsGrid profile or CV.
• Knowledge of your needs, work motivation and goals.
• Mutual trust and openness.

Your opinion, which we will gather through a short survey, will help us a lot.


Thank you for your cooperation!

Thu, 09 Jul 2020 08:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-QWUZ6/ Thu, 25 Apr 2024 05:29:02 +0000 <![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-NA9RF/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Open source compliance analyst .

This specialist is focusing at areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Thu, 18 Apr 2024 08:09:35 +0000
<![CDATA[]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-8XCG4/ Mon, 25 Mar 2024 08:27:30 +0000 <![CDATA[]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-5JN4D/ Fri, 22 Mar 2024 11:43:16 +0000 <![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-GUX0W/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Magento 2 update to latest version! .

This specialist is focusing at areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Fri, 22 Mar 2024 11:43:11 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-7465V/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Web Developer and SEO Specialists .

This specialist is focusing at areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Fri, 22 Mar 2024 11:43:05 +0000
<![CDATA[]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-6L9IA/ Thu, 01 Feb 2024 04:29:24 +0000 <![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-3QJSP/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Looker Developer.

This specialist is focusing at areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Tue, 09 Jan 2024 10:59:18 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-KNZ18/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Business analyst .

This specialist is focusing at areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Wed, 08 Nov 2023 14:03:12 +0000
<![CDATA[]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-7WCTU/ Wed, 08 Nov 2023 14:02:58 +0000 <![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-5BMWM/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - JAVA.

This specialist is focusing at areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Wed, 08 Nov 2023 14:02:52 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-TZPC9/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Mainframe COBOL Application Support & Development | IBM Middleware Integration ACE ESQL MQ & API Connect.

This specialist is focusing at areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:33:25 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-5ZAJM/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - IT Manager/Systems Administrator.

This specialist is focusing at Microsoft areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Wed, 27 Sep 2023 08:53:51 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-PRX0N/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Cyber Security Analyst.

This specialist is focusing at Others areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Wed, 27 Sep 2023 08:53:46 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-0FSIA/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Senior React TypeScript Frontend developer.

This specialist is focusing at areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Wed, 27 Sep 2023 08:53:40 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-UJMT0/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Application Security Engineer.

This specialist is focusing at areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Wed, 27 Sep 2023 08:53:35 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-VSJWC/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Network Security Automation Architect .

This specialist is focusing at Cisco areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Mon, 05 Jun 2023 07:11:09 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-FVCOT/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Cyber Security Specialist.

This specialist is focusing at Google areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Mon, 05 Jun 2023 07:07:27 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-943TF/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - ICT Infrastructure Support Specialist.

This specialist is focusing at HP, Cisco, EMC areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Mon, 05 Jun 2023 07:03:17 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-161DK/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Cyber Security.

This specialist is focusing at Others, Cisco areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Mon, 05 Jun 2023 07:01:58 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-NU4WE/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Systems Administrator.

This specialist is focusing at Microsoft areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Mon, 15 May 2023 17:14:02 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-GIM8O/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Tech Architect.

This specialist is focusing at Symantec, VmWare, Cisco areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Wed, 22 Mar 2023 11:51:05 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-PMD7B/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - Middleware/WebSphere Specialist.

This specialist is focusing at IBM areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Wed, 07 Dec 2022 15:54:37 +0000
<![CDATA[New specialist joining SpecialistsGrid!]]> https://system.specialistsgrid.com/news/SG-JHVNR/ Dear all, let us announce a new specialist joining SpecialistsGrid community - SemiProfessionalItEngineer.

This specialist is focusing at areas.

Checkout his profile HERE!

Tue, 06 Dec 2022 10:23:02 +0000