Lately, there have been many discussions about the vitality of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace. With the COVID pandemic and the rise of the importance of work-life balance, many employers started paying more attention to the mental well-being of their employees. More companies now invest in providing resources to employees to prioritize their mental wellness to maximize their efficiency in the workplace.

Employees are also happier about such change. That can be proven from the data that we subtracted from a research poll we did on our LinkedIn profile. 89 people participated in voting and up to 78% of them believe that it really is essential for employers to give workers mental health resources. 13% have not considered this topic yet and the rest, 9%, do not find this specific concern vital.

We are glad that 78% truly feel like their mental health should be given attention by their superior workers. We hope the rest will start considering this topic more as their mental wellness is vital for both personal and professional life.