Arul registered on our portal in 2015 as an Individual Vendor, who is offering his professional services. It took around 5 years, but in 2021 we received inquiry from our client and based on their requirements we searched for appropriate candidates. Trough SpecialistsGrid we found Arul, who was available and open to new opportunities. 

He was interested in freelancing and he had to go trough 2 interviews and also one assesment, but eventually he got a job offer and he accepted it. Our client even offered him permanent job instead of freelance contract. Both parties are more than happy and statisfied. 

"I am associated with SpecialistGrid since 2015. Recently, SpecialistGrid has helped me to secure a lucrative job offer in my field. The best part of the deal is, there is no need for me to haggle.  I will look forward to use their services in future too."